Tuesday, March 17, 2009

St. Patrick's Day

The Claddaugh School of Irish Dancers, performed at
a recent St. Patrick's Party held at Holy Cross in Moorpark.
Students of Irish Dancing begin lessons as early as 4 years
old and proceed through the various levels of achievement.
The Claddaugh School recently returned from competition
in Dublin, where they placed 3rd in the world!
The US will be hosting their first competition in the next
couple of weeks to be held in Philadelphia.

Our daughter-in law-Stefani and granddaughter Aubri
look on as the dancers perform....I think Aubri knows
she has 2 1/2 years before she can sign up for classes in
San Luis Obispo, but she'll have the steps mastered
early on... seeing as she has been at the annual St. Patrick's
Party with Irish Dancers and music even before she and
Mason's arrival!

Mason and Aubri are performing for the group....showing
some new steps. Did I ever tell you I love being "Oma".

Our son Ryan, my husband Jeff and good friend and fabulous
Irish Tenor Patrick Leyden...on stage.

Stefani and Mason and Aubri singing with the band!

Happy St. Patrick's Day to all....

Chef Mary Jane
Custom Cuisine

1 comment:

  1. What a talented family! This looks like it was such fun! Did you make any special foods for St. Paddy's Day?
